
I had a busy day today, attending an on-line class that that started at 5:30a Pacific time, which is the time zone of the farm. And I had an evening community college class that I am taking that ended at 9:30p. That’s a down side of working at home for an east coast company– it is hard to avoid working both east and west coast hours. Starting early is OK. I am up before dawn most days, but I find it hard to stop working until Pacific quitting time rolls around. That often amounts to a twelve hour day, which is not bad in the winter, but in the summer when the corn has to be cultivated and the blackberries beaten back, it gets difficult.  Especially because I am not a morning person. I rise early, but I also like to stay up late. This was fine when I was younger, but now, it’s a challenge.

Well, this is enough whining about things that will not change.

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